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Plastic Surgery Select 2018 award

Congratulations Dr. Glatt on being recognized by Plastic Surgery Select as a top Abdominoplasty surgeon in New Jersey!

“The most fulfilling part of my job as a board-certified plastic surgeon is helping patients achieve positive changes. The outcome of surgery runs far deeper than the aesthetic appearance and can profoundly impact a person’s self-image.

It is humbling each and every time I am selected to be a trusted part of each person’s journey and I’ve worked very hard to earn a reputation for consistently delivering outstanding results.

One of my most requested procedures is abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck surgery. This procedure is ideal for patients who are unable to lose their excess tummy or protruding abdomen even with regular exercise and smart dietary choices. This condition often occurs following pregnancy, where the inner abdominal muscles and outer abdominal skin can become permanently stretched out, or after significant weight loss. In the tummy tuck procedure, I remove excess skin and reshape the stomach so that it is
taut and toned.

There is a vast difference between a good surgical result and an outstanding one. My attention to detail, combined with specific surgical techniques that I have developed and honed, allow me to achieve exceptional results for my patients. The culture of my practice at Premier Plastic Surgery Center of New Jersey is to address every patient as a unique individual, respecting and prioritizing their particular aesthetic goals. My staff provides a warm, inviting environment where comfort and privacy are paramount. Patients routinely return for additional procedures and the ultimate compliment is that they often refer their friends and family to my practice.” – Dr. Brian S. Glatt

DR. BRIAN S. GLATT is recognized by Plastic Surgery Select as one of the top ABDOMINOPLASTY surgeons in New Jersey.


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