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Northern New Jersey – Breast Lift

The effects of gravity, pregnancy, nursing, genetics, and changes in weight effect all areas of the body, particularly the breasts. For women whose breasts have begun to sag, a Breast Lift Procedure, also called a Mastopexy, may be the answer to achieving the more youthful, firm breasts desired.

During the Breast Lift Procedure an incision is generally made around the areola. The areola and nipple is kept intact to is original nerves and blood supply while the surrounding skin is removed and the breasts are repositioned. The areola will then be slightly lifted to its new, higher position and the remaining skin is closed around it, creating more youthful looking breasts.

For women who are already satisfied with the size of their breasts, a breast lift procedure alone may be all that is needed to create the desired results. However, for women who have been dissatisfied with their breast size or who feel their breasts have deflated, a breast lift coupled with a breast augmentation may be needed to achieve the results. We invited you to view our online before and after breast lift photo gallery and to contact our office to schedule your consultation today!