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Male Breast Reduction Surgery

According to statistics compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for surgeries performed in 2015, male patients accounted for more than 21% of breast reduction surgeries in the United States.  Male breast reduction surgery is performed to treat excess fat and/or glandular tissue in either one or both breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia.  While gynecomastia rarely poses a physical risk, the emotional distress can be significant, especially in younger men, including teenagers.  The presence of gynecomastia can erode one’s self-confidence, and often causes avoidance of physical activities such as swimming or sports, so one is not seen without a shirt.

Gynecomastia can be corrected using liposuction, direct excision removal of the excess tissue and fat (breast reduction) or a combination of both procedures. Gynecomastia surgery is performed as a same day procedure (no overnight hospitalization). After surgery a compression garment is to be worn for a few weeks and strenuous exercise needs to be avoided to ensure a safe recovery.  Unless your job requires extreme physical activity, you may return to work or school in about one week.

Summer is not far away. If you suffer from gynecomastia contact the Morristown office of Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Brian S. Glatt, MD, FACS at 973-889-9300 to schedule a consultation and discuss how male breast reduction surgery can benefit you.

Actual patient of Brian S. Glatt, MD, FACS