Mommy Makeover Case #22522

This 34 year old female sought out Dr. Brian S. Glatt for post-pregnancy body rejuvenation. She is shown here after having mommy makeover plastic surgery which included a bilateral breast augmentation, an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with plication of rectus diastasis (tightening of stomach muscles) and liposuction to each of her flanks (sides). Her smooth round silicone gel breast implants (335cc) were placed submuscular (under the muscle) through an inframammary fold incision (in the breasts natural crease) to camouflage its appearance. A colleague of Dr. Glatt’s also performed an umbilical hernia repair at the same time. She is pictured here 1 year following her surgery.
- Patient #: 22522
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Mommy Makeover