For patients who are looking to stave off the aging process and smooth facial fine lines & wrinkles, there is a new injectable option which is now approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The name, (from the French word Neuveau) rhymes with “Hello” and means new. This neurotoxin that’s structurally similar to Botox, was just approved for the treatment of moderate to severe glabellar lines, which is the clinical word for what consumers call “frown lines”.
Why is this interesting and notable? Well, up until now, there were only one or two FDA-approved neurotoxins on the market for treating lines & wrinkles, and most people think of the brand name Botox when thinking about wrinkle reducers. This is about to change.
Think Coke and Pepsi. They are both soft drinks, yet even after taste tests decades ago, someone chooses one or the other on preference alone. The manufacturers of Evolus, hope that is the case in the neurotoxin market as well. Since the sheer number of patients seeking aesthetic treatments has been increasing every single year, especially those under the age of 30 (think millennials & Gen Z groups), the market seems primed for another option. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, neurotoxin injectable procedures have increased almost 30% since 2010 among patients in their 20’s.
If you’ve been wanting to try something new to treat your lines & wrinkles.